Convert to Decimal Form: To compare the two fractions, we first need to express them in a way that makes comparison easy. We can do this by either finding a common denominator or converting them to decimal form. Let's convert them to decimal form for easier comparison.
Calculate 2(52): Calculate the decimal form of 2(52). Since 52 is 0.4, multiplying by 2 gives us 2×0.4=0.8. So, 2(52) is 2+0.8=2.8.
Calculate 7/3: Calculate the decimal form of 7/3. Dividing 7 by 3 gives us approximately 2.3333 (repeating).
Compare Decimal Numbers: Now we compare the two decimal numbers. We have 2.8 and 2.3333. It is clear that 2.8 is greater than 2.3333.