Understand the division problem: Understand the division problem.We need to divide the fraction45 by the number 10.
Convert whole number to fraction: Convert the whole number into a fraction.To divide by a whole number, we can convert the whole number into a fraction by putting it over 1.10 becomes 110.
Change division to multiplication: Change the division into multiplication by the reciprocal.Instead of dividing by 110, we multiply by the reciprocal of 110, which is 101.(45)÷(110) becomes (45)×(101).
Multiply numerators and denominators: Multiply the numerators and denominators.Multiply the numerators: 5×1=5.Multiply the denominators: 4×10=40.So, (45)×(101)=405.
Simplify the fraction: Simplify the fraction if possible.5 and 40 have a common factor of 5.Divide both the numerator and the denominator by 5.5÷5=1 and 40÷5=8.So, 405 simplifies to 81.
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