Identify Numbers: Identify the numbers to be multiplied.We have two fractions to multiply: −523 and 11⋅(−235).
Multiply Numerators: Multiply the numerators together.The numerators are −23 and −5. When we multiply two negative numbers, the result is positive.So, −23×−5=115.
Multiply Denominators: Multiply the denominators together.The denominators are 5 and 23. Multiplying these together gives us 5×23=115.
Multiply Fractions: Multiply the fractions.Now we multiply the results from Step 2 and Step 3.(115115)=1 because any non-zero number divided by itself equals 1.
Multiply by Number: Multiply by the remaining number.We have an additional number to include in our multiplication, which is 11.So, we multiply 1 by 11.1×11=11.
Combine Results: Combine all the results.Since we have already multiplied the fractions and found that they equal 1, and then multiplied by 11, our final result is simply 11.
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