Even numbers are those that can be evenly divided into two equal groups or pairs and are divisible by `2`. Examples include `2`, `4`, `6`, `8`, and `10`. These numbers can be paired evenly, unlike numbers such as `5`, `7`, `9`, or `11`. Hence, `5`, `7`, `9`, or `11` are not considered even numbers. Let’s explore further about even numbers, their distinctions from odd numbers, along with some examples of even numbers.
An even number is a number that can be evenly divided by `2`. It means when you divide the number by `2`, there's no remainder. The last digit of an even number is `0`, `2`, `4`, `6`, or `8`. For instance, `6`, `10`, `14`, `18`, and so on are even numbers. Another way to think about even numbers is that they can be split into two equal parts.
For example, `6` can be split into `3 + 3`.
Odd numbers are those that can be represented as `(2n + 1)` where n is any natural number. They are not divisible by `2`. Examples of odd numbers include `27, 155, 63, 91`, and so on. On the other hand, even numbers can be expressed as `2n`, where `n` is a natural number, and they are divisible by `2`. Examples of even numbers are `12, 36, 48, 82, 100`, and so forth.
Odd Numbers | Even Numbers |
An odd number is an integer that is not divisible by `2`. | An even number is an integer that is divisible by `2`. |
Division of odd numbers always results in a remainder of `1`. | Division of even numbers always results in a remainder of `0`. |
Odd numbers include all numbers that end with the digits `1, 3, 5, 7`, and `9`. | Even numbers include all numbers that end with the digits `0, 2, 4, 6`, and `8`. |
Odd numbers cannot be grouped into pairs. | Even numbers can be grouped into pairs. |
Even Numbers from `1` to `100` | ||||
`2` | `4` | `6` | `8` | `10` |
`12` | `14` | `16` | `18` | `20` |
`22` | `24` | `26` | `28` | `30` |
`32` | `34` | `36` | `38` | `40` |
`42` | `44` | `46` | `48` | `50` |
`52` | `54` | `56` | `58` | `60` |
`62` | `64` | `66` | `68` | `70` |
`72` | `74` | `76` | `78` | `80` |
`82` | `84` | `86` | `88` | `90` |
`92` | `94` | `96` | `98` | `100` |
There are three properties of even numbers listed below:
`1`. Property of Addition
Addition | Example | Result |
Even `+` Even | `2 + 6 = 8` | Even |
Even `+` Odd | `4 + 3 = 7` | Odd |
Odd `+` Even | `5 + 4 = 9` | Odd |
Odd `+` Odd | `3 + 1 = 4` | Even |
`2`. Property of Subtraction
Subtraction | Example | Result |
Even `-` Even | `8 - 6 = 2` | Even |
Even `-` Odd | `6 - 5 = 1` | Odd |
Odd `-` Even | `9 - 4 = 5` | Odd |
Odd `-` Odd | `5 - 3 = 2` | Even |
`3`. Property of Multiplication
Multiplication | Example | Result |
Even `×` Even | `4 × 2 = 8` | Even |
Even `×` Odd | `6 × 1 = 6` | Even |
Odd `×` Even | `3 × 2 = 6` | Even |
Odd `×` Odd | `5 × 3 = 15` | Odd |
The only prime number among even numbers is `2`. Unlike `2`, other even numbers have additional factors besides `1` and the number itself. For instance, the factors of `6` are `1, 2, 3`, and `6`. Therefore, `2` stands as the sole even prime number.
Consecutive even numbers are pairs of even numbers that follow each other in sequential order, with a difference of two. For instance, if we start with the even number `6`, the next consecutive even number would be `8` because it follows `6` and is two more. Similarly, `12` and `14` are consecutive even numbers because they are both even numbers and are two units apart. Another example is `18` and `20`, which also follow each other consecutively with a difference of two.
Example `1`: Are the following numbers even or odd?
`i) 29` `ii) 46` `iii) 57`
`i)` `29` is an odd number because its last digit, `9`, is not even.
Additionally, it cannot be divided into equal parts.
Hence, `29` is an odd number.
`ii)` `46` is considered an even number because its last digit, `6`, is also an even number.
Moreover, `46` can be divided into two equal parts.
Hence, `46` is an even number.
`iii)` `57` is an odd number because its last digit, `7`, is not even.
Additionally, it cannot be divided into equal parts.
Hence, `57` is an odd number.
Example `2`: Sara bought `42` cookies for a party. She gave away `24` cookies to her friends. Will she have an even number of cookies left or an odd number of cookies left?
Sara gave away `24` cookies out of `42` cookies.
So, `42 - 24 = 18`
Now, Sara is left with `18` cookies.
We know that `18` is a multiple of `2`.
So, `18` is an even number.
Therefore, Sara will have an even number of cookies left, that is `18`.
Example `3`: Mark purchased `24` pencils for his two classmates. Can he distribute them equally among his classmates?
Number of pencils `= 24`
`24` is considered an even number because its last digit, `4`, is also an even number.
Moreover, `24` can be divided into two equal parts.
Hence, Mark can distribute `24` pencils equally between his two classmates.
Example `4`: Identify the even numbers from the given list.
`17, -22, 45, 68, -33, 50, 91, -14, 37, 82`
Even numbers are numbers divisible by `2` and their last digit can be "`0`", "`2`", "`4`", "`6`", or "`8`".
Here the even numbers are `-22, 68, 50, -14` and `82`.
Example `5`: Find the sum of even numbers from `1` to `15`.
Even Numbers from `1` to `15` are `2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14`.
Sum `= 2 + 4 + 6 + 8 + 10 + 12 + 14`
Sum `= 56`
Thus, the sum of even numbers from `1` to `15` is `56`.
Q`1`. Calculate the sum of even numbers from `1` to `20`.
Answer: c
Q`2`. Which number is an even number?
Answer: b
Q`3`. Emma bought `75` cookies for a bake sale. She gave away `39` cookies to her friends. Will she have an even number of cookies left?
Answer: a
Q`4`. Select the even number.
Answer: b
Q`5`. Alex has `50` cookies to distribute among `5` guests. Can he distribute them equally?
Answer: a
Q`1`. What defines an even number?
Answer: Even numbers are integers divisible by `2`, leaving no remainder.
Q`2`. Are all numbers ending in "`0`" considered even?
Answer: Yes, numbers ending in "`0`" are even, as they are divisible by `2`.
Q`3`. Can odd numbers be expressed as the sum of two equal parts?
Answer: No, odd numbers cannot be evenly divided into two equal parts.
Q`4`. Are there any prime even numbers other than `2`?
Answer: No, `2` is the only prime even number.
Q`5`. How are even numbers represented in pairs?
Answer: Even numbers can be paired up neatly, as they are divisible into two equal groups.