Area of a Sector

    • Introduction
    • Area of Sector of a Circle
    • Formula for the Area of Sector 
    • Derivation of Area of Sector Formula
    • Real-Life Examples of Area of Sector of Circle
    • Solved Examples
    • Practice Problems
    • Frequently Asked Questions



    A circle is a flat shape that's like a pie, with all its points equally far from the middle. This middle point is called the center of the circle. The sector of a circle is a piece of it, like a slice of pie. It's the part between two lines from the middle to the edge and the curve of the circle. To find how much space is inside a sector, you use a special math formula. This formula works whether you measure the angle of the sector in degrees or in radians.


    Area of Sector of a Circle

    The area enclosed by a circle's sector is known as its sector area. Think of a pizza slice as a sector representing a portion of the whole pizza. Sectors come in two types: minor and major. A minor sector is smaller than a semicircle, while a major sector is larger than a semi circle. In the provided figure, `OAPB` represents the minor sector, where `∠AOB` is the sector angle. It should be noted that `AQBO` also forms a sector of the circle, called the major sector.


    Formula for the Area of Sector 

    `1`. The formula for finding the area of a sector of a circle when the angle `θ` is in degrees can be expressed as follows:

    `A = \frac{\theta}{360^\circ} \times \pi r^2`


    • \( A \) is the area of the sector 
    • \( \theta \) is the angle of the sector in degrees
    • \( r \) is the radius of the circle


    `2`. The formula for finding the area of a sector of a circle when the angle `θ` is in radians can be expressed as follows:

    `A = \frac{\theta}{2} \times r^2`


    • \( A \) is the area of the sector 
    • \( \theta \) is the angle of the sector in radians
    • \( r \) is the radius of the circle


    Derivation of Area of Sector Formula 

    `1`. When angle is in degrees:

    The angle formed by a full rotation around the center of a circle is \( \theta = 360^\circ\).

    Formula for circular area `=` \(\pi r^2 \)

    There’s a direct relationship between the central angle and the area.

    `frac{text{Area of a sector}}{text{Area of a circle}} = frac{text{Central Angle}}{360^{circ}}`

    `{A}/(\pi r^{2}) = {\theta}/{360^\circ}`

    `A = \{\theta}/{360^\circ} \times \pi r^{2}`


    Example: Find the area of the given sector.

    (Use \(\pi = 3.14\)).


    `r = 5` units

    `theta = 60^circ`

    `A = {\theta}/{360^\circ} \times \pi r^{2}`

    `A = \frac{60^\circ}{360^\circ} \times \pi (5)^{2}`

    `A = \frac{1}{6} \times 3.14 \times 25`

    `A = 13.083` square units


    `2`. When angle is in radians:

    The angle formed by a full rotation around the centre of a circle is \( \theta = 2\pi\).

    Formula for circular area `=` \(\pi r^2 \)

    There’s a direct relationship between the central angle and area.

    `frac{text{Area of a sector}}{text{Area of a circle}} = frac{text{Central Angle}}{2pi}`

    `frac{A}{pi r^{2}} = frac{theta}{2pi}`

    `A = frac{theta}{2pi} times \pi r^{2}`

    `A = \frac{\theta}{2} times r^{2}`


    Example: Find the area of the sector of the circle. 

    (Use \(\pi = 3.14\)).


    `r = 4` units

    `\theta = \frac{\pi}{3}`

    `A = \frac{\theta}{2} \times r^{2}`

    `A = \frac{\pi}{3 \times 2} \times (4)^{2}`

    `A = \frac{3.14}{6} \times 16`

    `A = 1.046 \times 8`

    `A = 8.37` square units


    Real-Life Examples of Area of Sector of Circle

    Pizza: A common illustration of a sector's area in daily life is evident in pizza slices, which often resemble sectors of a circle.

    Clock: Within a clock's circular shape, the minute and hour hands occupy specific sectors of the circle.


    Solved Examples

    Example `1`. A circle with a diameter of `6` units is divided into `8` equal sectors. Determine the area of each sector of the circle? (Use \(\pi = 3.14\)).


    Step `1`: First, we need to find the radius of the circle.

    The diameter of the circle is `6` units, therefore, the radius of the circle is:

    `r = \frac{d}{2}`

    `r = \frac{6}{2}`

    `r = 3`


    Step `2`: A complete angle of a circle `= 360°`, to find the angle of each sector of the circle we divide `360` by `8`.

    `\theta = \frac{360^\circ}{8}`

    `\theta = 45^\circ`


    Step 3: Now let’s calculate the area of the sector.

    `r = 3` units

    `theta = 45^circ`

    `A = frac{theta}{360^circ} times pi r^{2}`

    `A = frac{45^circ}{360^circ} times pi (3)^{2}`

    `A = frac{1}{8} times 3.14 times 9`

    `A = 3.5325` square units

    Therefore, the area of each sector of the circle is `3.5325` square units.​


    Example `2`. The angle of a sector of a circle is `90°`, and the radius of the circle is `10` cm. What is the area of the sector of this circle? (Use \(\pi = 3.14\)).


    `r = 10` cm

    `theta = 90^circ`

    `A = frac{theta}{360^circ} times pi r^{2}`

    `A = frac{90^circ}{360^circ} times pi (10)^{2}`

    `A = frac{1}{4} times 3.14 times 100`

    `A = 78.5` square cm

    Therefore, the area of each sector of the circle is `78.5` square cm.​


    Example `3`. A sector has an area of `36π` square units and a radius of `6` units. Find the central angle of the sector in radians. 


    `r = 6` units

    `A = 12pi` square units

    `A = frac{theta}{2} times r^{2}`

    `12pi = frac{theta}{2} times (6)^{2}`

    `12pi = frac{theta}{2} times 36`

    `frac{pi}{3} = frac{theta}{2}`

    `theta = frac{2pi}{3}`

    Central angle is `\frac{2\pi}{3}`.


    Practice Problems

    Q`1`. A sector has an area of `50π` square units and a radius of `5` units. Find the central angle of the sector in radians. 

    1. `5π` 
    2. `2π` 
    3. `4π` 
    4.  `π`

    Answer: c


    Q`2`. Find the area of the sector in terms of `π` if the circle has a radius of `12` units and a central angle of `90` degrees.

    1. `12π` square units
    2. `24π` square units
    3. `36π` square units
    4. `16π` square units

    Answer: c


    Q`3`. If the angle of a sector of a circle is `45°`, and the radius of the circle is `8` inches, what is the area of the sector of this circle?

    1. `20.36` square inches
    2. `43.21` square inches
    3. `36.34` square inches
    4. `25.12` square inches

    Answer: d


    Q`4`. Find the area of the sector in terms of `π` if the circle has a radius of `6` units and a central angle of `120` degrees.

    1. `12π` square units
    2. `6π` square units
    3. `4π` square units
    4. `10π` square units

    Answer: a


    Q`5`. A sector has an area of `48π` square units and a radius of `12` units. Find the central angle of the sector in radians. 

    1. `(2π)/3`
    2. `π/3`
    3. `(3π)/4` 
    4. `(5π)/6` 

    Answer: a


    Frequently Asked Questions

    Q`1`. How to find the area of a sector? 

    Answer: We can find the area of the sector using the following formula:

    `A = \frac{\theta}{360^\circ} \times \pi r^{2}`


    Q`2`. How do you find the central angle of a sector? 

    Answer: We can find the central angle using the following formula:

    `\theta = {A \times 360^\circ}/ {\pi r^{2}}`


    Q`3`. How can we find the radius of a sector if its area is known? 

    Answer: We can find the radius using the following formula:

    `r = \sqrt{{A \times 360^\circ}/ {\pi \times \theta}}`


    Q`4`. How is the area of a sector related to its central angle? 

    Answer: The area increases with a larger central angle.


    Q`5`. Can the area of a sector be larger than the area of the whole circle? 

    Answer: No, the area of a sector is always less than or equal to the area of the whole circle.